Podcast Unlocked

The developer of Hitman has a new James Bond game in the works. We discuss why it could be the best Bond ever. Plus: Phil Spencer says an Xbox smart TV app is closer than we think, some of us would totally play the leaked retail Cyberpunk 2077 disc that hasn't been patched yet if we could, a bunch of big games get delayed, and more!

Direct download: Unlocked_112420_Audio.mp3
Category:Podcast Unlocked -- posted at: 6:23pm EDT

Next-gen is now officially current-gen! The Xbox Series X and S are out, and we talk about our first week of living with them. Plus: we analyze Microsoft's big first-week numbers, address shortages expected well into 2021, talk about another Xbox executive's recent comments on Bethesda game exclusivity, and more!

Direct download: Unlocked_111720_AudioPodcast.mp3
Category:Podcast Unlocked -- posted at: 9:07pm EDT

It's the week you've been waiting for: the next-generation of Xbox has officially arrived with the Series X and Series S. We discuss the launches of Microsoft's two new consoles. Plus: EA and BioWare finally confirm Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, the 4K remaster of the classic sci-fi trilogy. We discuss that as well as the future of the fan-favorite RPG franchise.

Direct download: Unlocked_111020_Audio.mp3
Category:Podcast Unlocked -- posted at: 8:03pm EDT

Welcome to a special two-hour episode of Unlocked that was recorded live with all of you, along with special guest panelist Parris Lilly from Gamertag Radio! We played the Series X for two hours now that the review embargo has lifted, and answered a lot of your questions along the way. We also talked through our final impressions of Microsoft's new consoles. If you normally listen to the podcast feed of Unlocked, we'd encourage you to watch the video version on this one!

Direct download: Unlocked_110620_AUDIO.mp3
Category:Podcast Unlocked -- posted at: 12:56pm EDT