Podcast Unlocked
Direct download: Podcast_Unlocked_Episode_119.mp3
Category:Podcast Unlocked -- posted at: 1:08pm EDT

Say hi to Ryan, Marty, Naomi, and Justin as this week's show is dominated by discussion about the Call of Duty: Ghosts 720p controversy, NBA 2K14 next-gen impressions, the scariest game we've ever played, the insane Titanfall collector's edition (and a release date!), Fable Legends, the Mister Chief avatar, Kinect 2.0's mininum operating distance, and whether women are as shallow as men.

Direct download: Podcast_Unlocked_Episode_118.mp3
Category:Podcast Unlocked -- posted at: 9:09pm EDT

It's only fitting that we interview Steve Downes -- the voice of Master Chief himself -- on this special 117th episode of the world's #1 Xbox podcast. Steve talks about getting the role of a lifetime, his first video game voice work (hint: it wasn't Halo!), the end of Halo 2, if he thought he'd be replaced after Bungie left Halo, and much, much more. It's a 35-minute interview you won't want to miss. Plus: a major Xbox One launch game gets delayed...to a place that might end up being much tougher.

Direct download: Podcast_Unlocked_Episode_117.mp3
Category:Podcast Unlocked -- posted at: 5:50pm EDT

With Destin and Marty at New York Comic-Con, Ryan and Mitch invite Naomi and IGN Tech editor Scott Lowe onto the show to discuss this week's Xbox news -- including the Xbox One GameDVR functionality, Microsoft's begrudging acceptance of the "Xbone" nickname, Call of Duty: Ghosts news for Xbox 360, and more. Plus: learn what our personal killer apps have been over the years, and we unexpectedly learn everyone's respective man-crushes (or in Naomi's case, woman-crush).

Direct download: Podcast_Unlocked_Episode_116.mp3
Category:Podcast Unlocked -- posted at: 8:29pm EDT

Though it barely works yet, Grand Theft Auto Online has already yielded a couple of great stories for the Unlocked crew. Plus, Marty doubts Destiny's spring 2014 release date and the rest of the cast debates him about it. LucasArts pisses us off even after its death, and we share our earliest memories of video games blowing us away in this week's "Get to Know Your Locksmiths" segment.

Direct download: Podcast_Unlocked_Episode_115.mp3
Category:Podcast Unlocked -- posted at: 8:44pm EDT