Podcast Unlocked
Podcast Unlocked Episode 158: About Tomb Raider's Exclusivity...

First, we apologize for this week's audio issues. It's a bit quiet for the first half or so of the show, and then we tried to fix it and were successful...except somehow and for some reason Ryan's microphone cuts out. You can still hear him being picked up by the other mics, but...sigh...

Anyway, this week we discuss Rise of the Tomb Raider's controversial Xbox exclusivity, our first glimpse of the Halo 5: Guardians multiplayer beta, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare's multiplayer reveal, and everything else that came out of the big Gamescom show in Germany.

Direct download: Podcast_Unlocked_Episode_158.mp3
Category:Podcast Unlocked -- posted at: 4:26pm EST