Podcast Unlocked

Spawn on Me's Kahlief Adams joins us to discuss a busy week of Xbox news, from EA seemingly accidentally revealing Shepard's return to Mass Effect (do we even want Shepard back? Are we hyped for this?), where Activision can take Sledgehammer's Call of Duty games from here after the disappointing Vanguard, Gotham Knights leaving Xbox One behind, Clippy in Halo Infinite, and more!

00:00:00 - Intro & Commander Shepard Returning?
00:26:30 - Activision On Call of Duty Vanguard's Underperforming Sales
00:50:35 - Gotham Knights No Longer Releasing For PS4 and Xbox One
00:59:40 - Halo Infinite's Season 2 Adds Clippy!
01:03:50 - Resident Evil Re:Verse Potential Release
01:09:15 - Unlocked Block Trivia & Outro

Direct download: Unlocked_051022_Audio.mp3
Category:Podcast Unlocked -- posted at: 6:27pm EST